
Stable version

The stable version of CAST platform (2.0.x) is avaiable via Eclipse update-site:

In order to start development of new CAST plugins it is necessary to install CAST Platform in the Eclipse RCP environment. All necessary plug-ins and features are available through CAST Update Sites. Follow the steps below:

  1. Start the Eclipse RCP application.
  2. Add the CAST External Update Site
  3. Install the CAST External feature from the External plug-ins and modules category.
  4. Accept the license. After the installation process is finished you must restart the Eclipse application.
  5. Add the CAST Platform Update Site and install all required features (at least CAST Core feature).
  6. Accept the license. After the installation process is finished you must restart the Eclipse application.

Development version

The development version of CAST platform is available via the GIT repository. Details about accessing the repository can be found at Source code